Our Clients


Open Doors of Washington Township serves eligible individuals and families who live in Westfield, Washington Township and have food and clothing needs due to age or low income.  We also provide assistance to people outside this area who attend one of our member churches.


We have a centralized food and clothing pantry.  We also have a referral system for resources available in the community.   We provide extra assistance through seasonal special programs, such as Back-To-School and Thanksgiving.  We strive to promote understanding among individuals from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.  We do all this by ministering in the name of Jesus Christ to the people of the community.


In order to receive assistance, we require:

  • Driver’s License or government issued Identification card
  • Proof of residency (2 items with your address on them), for instance:
    • Lease or mortgage with name on it
    • Utility statement
    • Income statement (paycheck stub, social security, disability, etc.)
  • Latest pay stub or bank statement of ALL household members
    • Cumulative household income must not exceed 130% of Federal poverty level

APPLICATION FORM  (Print out and bring in this form to speed up the process.)

Download our Application Form


  1. How often can I receive food?
    1. One scheduled trip per month for major food shopping, including two bags of food from the racks and refrigeration in the reception area.
    2. May shop the Front Room 4 additional times per month.
  2. How is the amount of food I would receive determined?
    1. It is based on the number of individuals in the household.
  3. How often can I receive clothing?
    1. At the time of the scheduled shopping trip and an additional 4 times per month.
  4. Is there a limit on clothing?
    1. No.